Sunday, October 31, 2010

Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!
There’s nothing like a crunchy, fresh apple on a crisp fall day - I've been eating at least two a day, really, for the past month! Fall is the perfect time to enjoy apples, either raw or cooked, depending on your dosha. Apples detoxify the body, cleanse the intestines, and alleviate any accumulated pitta from summer, essential for keeping your body balanced as you transition into fall.
Please make sure the apples that you purchase are free of pesticides and preferably organic, as apples can be high in pesticides if not otherwise specified. The local farmer’s markets are a great source for fresh, healthy apples.
If you tend to be more Vata in nature, or are feeling a bit cold and dry, try the below stewed apple recipe for a sweet and healthy treat.
Stewed Apples
(Two servings)
· 2 apples, diced
· 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
· ½ teaspoon powdered cardamom
· ½ teaspoon fresh ginger or ¼ powdered
· 1 teaspoon ghee (you can omit if you'd like and just use a little more water)
· 1/3 cup water
Melt the ghee first, and then place all ingredients in a skillet and cook over a medium to medium-low flame until the apples are soft, about 10 minutes. Enjoy alone, over oatmeal or as dessert. I must say... Yum :)